Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ten Simple Rules On Working For An Idiot... Rule # 3: Hold Back

They say information is power... However, misinformation is real power. There are few things more entertaining in the corporate management world than watching some up-and-coming hotshot mover-and-shaker type stake his or her credibility on bad information. While I would never take any satisfaction in someone else’s failure (see the “Be Nice To Others” entry from March 1, 2010), there is some justice to be enjoyed when an idiot gets what he or she deserves…

To be clear, I would never intentionally provide misinformation to a manager, peer or subordinate. That would be wrong. However, knowledge is a valuable asset. It should be dispensed wisely and in a manner that enhances your personal worth to the firm.

I have found that most senior leaders suffer from severe cases of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). They will listen to what people are telling them but frequently do not hear the message. The details of all the things for which they are responsible can become overwhelming. To compensate, they rely on “advisors” - just like the current President but without the teleprompter to do his thinking…

Establishing yourself as the “advisor” to your boss is a valuable but tricky role. It is about keeping your boss informed, but also dependent. You want to be the person that your boss takes to leadership meetings just in case a question is asked for which he or she doesn’t have the answer. Transferring too much of your knowledge to your boss (or your peers/competition) diminishes your value over time. Hold the most valuable information back until it can be spent with the greatest impact. Leadership is always watching for talent. Having the answer when your boss stumbles a little can be a good thing…

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